Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back To School and Blogging

I started school again this week so I guess its back to the grindstone. The summer was a nice break but I was definitely ready for it to be over. I don't hear that very much in class, though. Everyone around me is talking about beach vacations and long absences from responsibility while I stayed around and acted like the "grown-up" that I have become. Its not a bad thing. I like the difference. But it does make me reminisce about times past. Its strange. I have not stopped going to school but in a matter of a year and a half my viewpoint on life has changed drastically. I used to be capricious and unmotivated. Now I am determined and goal-oriented. Oh well, Selah.

On to my first two days of classes. I went back to school full-time after 3 semester of part-time and went to working part-time. The switch is instantaneous. Going to work for 5 hours is so much shorter and easier than an 8 hour day despite starting the day with two or three classes. I love it. By the time I leave work I am thinking "Wow, it is already time to go home. I barely got here!" Class is just a different animal altogether. I have basic upper-level business classes that are not within my specific major. I have a business communications class that will be quite demanding. It is interesting though. I find my professor for this class to be the worst communicator out of all my professors. We shall see how that shapes up. Now I will work with due diligence to complete the whole semester without being burned-out on school.

Also, I just recently had my one year anniversary. I had not thought too much about it until today, when waiting for my second class to begin, in walks a guy I graduated high school with. I have talked to him once or twice in passing over the last 5 years since high school but nothing serious. We talk for a while and it comes up that I am married. He is floored by this fact especially that I am past my one year anniversary. This gets me thinking about the context of everything. My wife and I have known each other for three years. In that three years both of us have experienced such drastic life changes that I am not even the same person as I was when we met. It amazes me how one detail in life can produce such drastic changes to one's self. A little food for thought.